Trending Programming Tips
HTML Snippets for Sublime Text
Joshua Hibbert
0 responses
sublime, text
Use Java to prototype your Javascript webgl app
1 response
web, game development, java, javascript
Open files on stdout in Vim
Vincent Driessen
0 responses
shell, vim, command line, unix
Placeholder images
Mariz Melo
0 responses
css, html, images, prototype
Starting a django dev server that is externally accessible
Bayard Randel
2 responses
python, django, vagrant
love your terminal
Tam-Kien Duong
0 responses
shell, tips
bash alias to get latest/most recent file
Ryan Regalado
2 responses
aliases, alias, osx, vim
For better coding...
Gökmen Görgen
0 responses
python, django, pep8
Using Pow with RVM's .ruby-version
Aaron Jensen
3 responses
ruby, rvm, pow
Git: pull all the submodules in one command
Ignas Butėnas
0 responses
version control, git
See changes: Git Command Line Tips
Tim Fernihough
0 responses
command line, git, commits, github
Use npm start to launch node app
Adam Yanalunas
2 responses
nodejs, json, npm
A hidden gem: Google Chrome accounts
Tadas Tamošauskas
1 response
web, productivity, testing, google chrome
animate the expanding/collapsing of elements with arbitrary heights using max-height and overflow : auto
christos constandinou
0 responses
css, animation, transitions
Organize Photos Into Year & Month Folders
0 responses
command line, mac, organisation, photo
Checking webpages in grayscale with CSS3 filters
Jordan Scales
5 responses
css, usability, javascript
styling html file input
Ian Hansen
5 responses
css, html, ie
Disable Guard while running `git checkout`
Aaron Jensen
0 responses
ruby, guard, dotfiles, git
Check when Nexus 4 has stock again
Diego Pérez
1 response
shell, android
Parse a .rvmrc file using a Regex
Guillaume Hain
4 responses
regex, rvm
Beautify JSON in Emacs
Stefan Arentz
3 responses
emacs, json
Acceder a desde Drupal
Pedro Lozano
0 responses
php, drupal, opendata, adoptaunaplaya
Remove a git submodule
Santiago Gil
6 responses
submodule, git