Joined October 2012

Ryan Regalado
Burbank, California
vim: yank lines by marking section
Ryan Regalado
0 responses
vim, mark, lines, yank
vim: repeat last macro command
Ryan Regalado
0 responses
vim, repeat, macro
bash alias to remove file name from working directory
Ryan Regalado
0 responses
zsh, terminal, script, snippet
vim command-T key bindings for easier use
Ryan Regalado
0 responses
vim, key, bindings, command-t
browse the file system within Vim
Ryan Regalado
0 responses
vim, editor, ide
bash alias to get latest/most recent file
Ryan Regalado
2 responses
aliases, alias, osx, vim
vim search for function or word in file
Ryan Regalado
0 responses
vim, shortcut, ctags, function
CommandT for vim
Ryan Regalado
4 responses
vim, tool, search, ide