Ryan Regalado
Burbank, California
slick. I created a function for this.
create a backup of a file
function bu() {
cp "$1"{,.bak}
call it like this $ bu filename
Nice! Thank you
@sheerun have you figured out how to specify highlighting scheme?
@rogerleite love that wat
alias, thanks
@originell Awesome :)
@originell that abbrev feature is awesome
actually, figured it out. I did :args directoryname/*
to get files into buffer instead of just the directory and then it worked. thanks!
@vimrocks Thanks. I have that set in my .vimrc but I still get the error
I'm getting an error "Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off". Have you ran into this?
dude, this is seriously awesome. thanks!
I use tmux on top of iterm. Do you know of any particular +'s for using zsh in your work flow? I'm curious as I see this shell listed a few times in people's repos. Thanks for the tip
Thank you guys! I will try Ctrl-P out to see how it works. I haven't had much trouble loading big file trees in CommandT as I just work in git repos that are not too many directories deep. But I'll definitely have a look as I like trying new plugins out :)
@paulyoung awesome. Even better