CommandT for vim
If you like fuzzy searching in sublime text but like to work in vim or gvim, check out the vim commandT plugin from wincent. Super efficient and will help you to be more productive in coding.
Check out my .vimrc file on github for where to obtain:
Written by Ryan Regalado
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4 Responses

I prefer ctrl-p, which is written in pure vimscript.

I've always wondered the pros and cons of Command-T vs Ctrl-P plugins.

@bendoerr Please take a look about my experience with CommandT on my blog:

Thank you guys! I will try Ctrl-P out to see how it works. I haven't had much trouble loading big file trees in CommandT as I just work in git repos that are not too many directories deep. But I'll definitely have a look as I like trying new plugins out :)