Vim: Swapping characters to quickly fix typos
Given you have a typo at line 26 in your code:
26. from myapp.modesl import MyModel
There are two ways you can fix it without entering insert mode:
The first way
:26 normal fsxp
The second way
fs - move the cursor to the first ocorrence of "s" to the right
x - delete and copy the character under the cursor
p - paste the character
Written by Caio Ariede
Related protips
7 Responses

In order to make the shortcut more second-nature, try thinking of xp standing for 'transpose'.

The third way
On line 26 substitute modesl
for models

If that happens to you frequently, you can (ab)use vim's text expand feature. In your .vimrc:
iab modesl models
and from now on it should automagically correct that.
is shortform for iabbrev
. There is also autocorrect.vim which aims to build a database full of such things (teh -> the etc.)

@originell that abbrev feature is awesome

@design48 glad you like it. I should probably make a protip out of that one :D

@originell Awesome :)