Debug Blitline Postback with localhost
Set up a Sinatra Callback Listener
First we'll create a trivial sinatra listner to listen for the Blitline callback:
gem install sinatra
Then we'll make the listener:
sudo nano blitline_listener.rb
Paste the following into the file:
require 'sinatra'
post '/callback' do
puts "RESULTS->" + params.inspect
Hit ctrl-O and Y and Enter to save
Now start the ruby server using the following:
ruby blitline_listener.rb
This will start the sinatra listener. You will need to leave this server running, so open up a new console window and continue with the instructions below.
Route Blitline Callback to Your Localhost Machine:
We will create a localhost SSH tunnel so that Blitline server can talk to your localhost machine.
gem install localtunnel
(There are more secure alternatives to this, we recommend ForwardHQ , but localtunnel is free)
localtunnel -k ~/.ssh/ 4567
You will get some output like:
This localtunnel service is brought to you by Twilio.
Port 4567 is now publicly accessible from ...
It is important to note the url identified by this output. It will be different every time. Notice that in the example above, the url is "" This url will be used in the next section.
Leave this localhost tunnel running and open a new console window, and continue with the instructions below...
Call Blitline with a Postback URL:
You can call Blitline by simply using a curl call.
The APPLICATIONID and the LOCALTUNNEL_URL below need to be replaced with your Blitline Application ID and the url determined in the previous section.
curl '' -d json='{ "application_id": "<APPLICATION_ID>", "postback_url": "<LOCAL_TUNNEL_URL>/callback","src" : "", "functions" : [ {"name": "blur", "params" : {"radius" : 0.0, "sigma" : 2.0}, "save" : { "image_identifier" : "MY_CLIENT_ID" }} ]}'
Once you copy and past that curl command into a console, the sinatra server we started in the first section should output the results of the callback from Blitline.
This output should look something like:
This is the JSON returned from Blitline after it has completed processing your image.
Written by Blitline Developers
Related protips
2 Responses

Thanks, I wasn't even aware of Bitline
