Joined October 2012
Running PSPDFKit's latest build with a local podspec
Adam Yanalunas
0 responses
xcode, setup, cocoapods, pods
Control your annotation menu items in PSPDFKit
Adam Yanalunas
0 responses
ios, pdf, objective-c, pspdfkit
Stubbing async actions in Kiwi
Adam Yanalunas
0 responses
testing, ios, objective-c, kiwi
Group success and failure test cases
Adam Yanalunas
0 responses
testing, objective-c, kiwi
Kiwi + Nocilla + AFNetworking = Mind your ordering
Adam Yanalunas
0 responses
testing, objective-c, kiwi, nocilla
Proper URL path escaping in Cocoa
Adam Yanalunas
2 responses
cocoa, objective-c
Check environment variables before node.js app starts
Adam Yanalunas
0 responses
node, ops, javascript, nodejs
Testing nibs (Kiwi, OCUnit, KIF, whatevs)
Adam Yanalunas
3 responses
cocoa, unittest, testing, kif
Automate localization testing in Xcode
Adam Yanalunas
0 responses
tdd, xcode, testing, bdd
Extra end of file scroll buffer in Sublime Text 2
Adam Yanalunas
1 response
sublimetext, editors
Re-fire one-shot events in Batman.js
Adam Yanalunas
2 responses
batman.js, coffee-script, javascript
Mask heterogenous test suites with cake
Adam Yanalunas
0 responses
nodejs, test, ci, cake
Use npm start to launch node app
Adam Yanalunas
2 responses
nodejs, json, npm
704 Karma
108,690 Total ProTip Views

24PullRequests Participant
Sent at least one pull request during the first 24 days of December 2014

24PullRequests Participant
Sent at least one pull request during the first 24 days of December 2013

Have at least one original repo where CoffeeScript is the dominant language

24PullRequests Participant
Sent at least one pull request during the first 24 days of December 2012

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need