Trending Programming Tips
The How's, Why's and Why Not's of Test-driven Development
Marko Klemetti
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tdd, rspec, unit testing
Host a static HTML/CSS site in Heroku
Rico Sta. Cruz
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php, css, heroku, static
Using NET::HTTP in Rails to send Facebook App Notifications
Jason Lagaac
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rails, facebook, graph, app notifications
How to build ipxelinux.0
Robin Smidsrød
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pxe, ipxe, pxelinux, pxelinux.0
Using RVM the right way (and never typing "bundle exec" again)...
Jon Frisby
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ruby, bundler, rvm
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Heredocs with leading whitespace removed
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ruby, whitespace, heredoc
simpleCart(js): open-source JS shopping cart
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html, useful, javascript, shop
Debugging javascript arguments
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
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javascript, debugging
Chrome notification
dennis zhuang
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chrome, extension, javascript
Open with Sublime in Windows
Arielle Nguyen
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sublime, editor, command
Define Ruby methods and variables with space in name
Bohdan Schepansky
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ruby, tricks, hacks
Animating jquery knob to a value
Bálint Gáspár
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snippet, animate, knob, jquery
RGB on iOS
Michael Dominick
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Saving Sub-Documents With Mongoose
Edmund Kump
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mongodb, mongoose, nodejs
Setup an Existing Django Project
Rod Afshar
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python, django
Learn JavaScript
Béla Varga
1 response
ecmascript, javascript
Don't mix position:fixed with CSS transforms
Rico Sta. Cruz
2 responses
css, css3, transform
Sublime Text Column Select
Dustin Fadler
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sublime, text
Great set of cheat sheets
Kamil Michalak
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scala, opensource, git, java
PHP Data Validation & Sanitization
Ulrich Kautz
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php, security, laravel, validation
When to use node-webkit, AppJS, etc. for desktop application development with web tech
Yashar Rassoulli
0 responses
javascript, node-webkit, appjs
Adding color to Git in terminal
Luis Milanese
0 responses
terminal, git