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Mixin properties on ObjC classes via the ObjC runtime
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Quickly and efficiently escape insert mode
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Turn on strict mode in javascript
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/usr/include/features.h:324:26: fatal error: bits/predefs.h: No such file or directory
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Quickly get files to refactor
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Android source git repo
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Set Your Git editor to Sublime
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Simulate iPad mini's physical size on bigger iPads
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string.format for javascript
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Manage Wordpress programmatically
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Split clients on nginx and pass a query string variable on the request
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Get email when a cron job fails
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36 bytes to disable old browsers on HTML5
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Sync iTunes via rsync to a NAS when it’s content changes
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Installing Wine on Ubuntu 12.10 on 64 bit System
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The single most useful thing in bash
Jude Robinson
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