Father of three, a leader and a developer. A gratified but ambitious employee of @eficode, and the founder of @entertrail.
Joined November 2012

Folder excludes for modern JavaScript in Sublime Text
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
javascript, sublime text
Renewing SSL Certificates in RVM
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
ruby, shell, osx, rvm
Cleaning up your Sparrow mail contacts
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
shell, osx, mail, sparrow
Difference in git commits between branches
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
shell, git
How to Write Good User Stories
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
agile, xp
Clean your Bundles
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
ruby, rails, rvm
Converting Repositories From Git to Mercurial
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
shell, git, mercurial
Aliases in Git
Marko Klemetti
2 responses
shell, git
Upgrade your Ruby hashes to 1.9 with Sublime
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
ruby, rails, sublime
Creating and overriding .rvmrc
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
ruby, shell, rails, rvm
Create Selection for a Year Range in Rails
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
ruby, rails
Sublime, RVM and RubyTest
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
ruby, shell, sublime, rvm
Python: Creating Your Project Structure
Marko Klemetti
8 responses
python, shell, testing, unit testing
Unit testing in Python
Marko Klemetti
2 responses
python, nose, testing, unit testing
Redirect to back or default in Rails
Marko Klemetti
3 responses
ruby, rails, exceptions
Extract your shell configuration to dotfiles
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
shell, zsh, dotfiles, git
Serene testing with simplicity
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
ruby, tdd, sublime, guard
The How's, Why's and Why Not's of Test-driven Development
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
tdd, rspec, unit testing
Interested in High-Speed Development?
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
sublime, testing, rspec, high-speed development
1,644 Karma
227,285 Total ProTip Views

Honey Badger 3
Have at least three Node.js specific repos

Honey Badger
Have at least one original Node.js-specific repo

Komodo Dragon
Have at least one original repo where Java is the dominant language

Github Gameoff Participant
Participated in the Github Gameoff 2012 building a game based on git concepts of forking, branching, etc

The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos

Have a project valued enough to be forked by someone else

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need

Would you expect anything less? Have at least one original repo where Python is the dominant language

Mongoose 3
Have at least three original repos where Ruby is the dominant language

Have at least one original repo where Ruby is the dominant language

Have at least one original repo where some form of shell script is the dominant language