Last Updated: August 12, 2019
· Marko Klemetti

Highlight CSS Colors in Sublime

Hello! As you can see in the comments, this plugin has been updated and it supports Sublime Text 3.

I usually create my layouts in Photoshop, but often when I'm implementing the layout (in Sublime) it would help me to immediately know what color the HEX values actually are.

I tried using Sublime ColorPicker, but it starts a separate application and I have to close the Colorpicker Window before continuing. Thus it was blocking my workflow.

Luckily I found the ColorHighlighter plugin, which highlights the HEX value with its respective color.


  1. Install the Sublime Package Control
  2. Press Shift-Cmd-P to open the Command Palette
  3. Type "insta" and select Package Control: Install Package
  4. Find and install Color Highlighter

Move your cursor on the HEX value and it will be highlighted with the color it represents.

14 Responses
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Thats a good find, thanks! I have to say i run OSX and i use color picker I believe the one you mention but it only opens a shell window for me and lets me change the selected color pretty quickly and i dont have to close anything. Either way you found a nice gem thanks for sharing again, cheers!

over 1 year ago ·

This is pretty great.

I find it's easiest for me when I'm starting a new project is to just make a variable for my key palette. And if I ever need to to adjust the shade I just use the SASS lighten($blue, 10%) etc.

But that is if your working in SASS obviously, what's great about the 'Color Highlighter' is that it's unobtrusive which I appreciate.

over 1 year ago ·

what about sublime text 3?

over 1 year ago ·

Hi omar-g, sorry for the late answer.

Color Highlighter does not yet support Sublime Text 3. I'll see what I can do and be back to you.

over 1 year ago ·

Missing this for Sublime Text 3; Makes me almost want to downgrade..

over 1 year ago ·

Hi mrako. Thank you!

over 1 year ago · has ST3 support and live highlighting for the whole file

over 1 year ago ·

Hi Kronuz, thanks!

Unfortunately I couldn't make it work, not even with cloning it straight from Github. Please drop me an email and let's sort it out so I can update the tip.

over 1 year ago ·

"Move your cursor on the HEX value and it will be highlighted with the color it represents."

I installed the plugin and restarted ST2.

However I don't see the color overlays when hovering, only see them upon clicks.

over 1 year ago ·

Hey, how about adding DATES to posts on this website? I never know if the info I am reading is current.

over 1 year ago ·

Thx Kronuz!
I used the Add repository feature from Package Control with the GitHub URL and then Install Package, restarted ST3 and that was it. ;)

over 1 year ago ·

Thanks guillaumegarcia13 for the information!

over 1 year ago ·

Hello, people! The plugin supports ST3 now and many other features, like highlighting all at once and color picker!

over 1 year ago ·

Just installed on ST3. Working great on .css files but locks up ST3 when opening .styl files.

over 1 year ago ·