Joined November 2012

Marko Klemetti

Father of three, a leader and a developer at Eficode Oy, Trail Systems Ltd
Espoo, Finland

Posted to Highlight CSS Colors in Sublime over 1 year ago

Thanks guillaumegarcia13 for the information!

Posted to Highlight CSS Colors in Sublime over 1 year ago

Hi Kronuz, thanks!

Unfortunately I couldn't make it work, not even with cloning it straight from Github. Please drop me an email and let's sort it out so I can update the tip.

Posted to Highlight CSS Colors in Sublime over 1 year ago

Hi omar-g, sorry for the late answer.

Color Highlighter does not yet support Sublime Text 3. I'll see what I can do and be back to you.

Posted to Aliases in Git over 1 year ago

Thanks! Cool idea - although I wouldn't make it a global, but rather a local alias.

I'll make the change to my dotfiles and update the protip. :D

Posted to Unit testing in Python over 1 year ago

@arpohahau Thanks! I'll add it to the tip.

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