Trending Programming Tips
Speed up MAMP Pro/virtual host name resolution
Jon Thomas
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Use Notifications to share Gestures Events
Javier Guerra
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cocoa, ios, objectivec, nsnotificationcenter
Set Canvas as Body Background
Jack Rugile
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js, canvas, noise, background
$.rememberState - Remember and restore form state using localStorage
Shane Riley
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localstorage, jquery, javascript
My Workspace
Rick Trotter
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Bespoke.js - DIY Presentation Micro-Framework
Mark Dalgleish
1 response
css3, presentation, html5
Go to TargetProcess card in Firefox
Terence Tuhinanshu
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firefox, search, targetprocess
favorite git command
Chungsub Kim
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git, command
Run Node.js as a Service on Ubuntu
Chungsub Kim
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daemon, service, nodejs, ubuntu
Rails4 StrongParameters with Devise and multiple resources
Andrea Pavoni
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ruby, rails, devise
Twig Filter Escaping
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
php, twig
Don't Start from scratch (css newbie)
Morteza Heydari
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jquery, css, scss, design
Increase variable and use it at the same time: ++$foo
Ekrem Büyükkaya
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php, alternative syntax, counter variable
Display process tree
Łukasz Niemier
1 response
shell, process, bash
Ruby: ask a password without echoing
Luca Guidi
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ruby, cli
ack, .ackrc, rails
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rails, search, ack
Animate the Inanimate
Jim Greenleaf
0 responses
jquery, animation, javascript
Backup all modified files in git.
Sequoia McDowell
7 responses
vim, xargs, git
CSS does Math
Jim Greenleaf
5 responses
css, responsive design, css3, front-end
Coderwall-like pricing CSS
Emmanuel Bourgerie
0 responses
coderwall, css3
javascript: string to int
Mattia Larentis
1 response
arrowDirection on Ti.UI.iPad.Popover
Miles Matthias
0 responses
ios, ipad, titanium, popover
Dependency Injection for Configuring Play Framework Database Connection(s) part 1
Pierre Andrews
1 response
scala, dependency injection, play framework, implicit
Ruby: make plain text links clickable
Michael Kohl
2 responses
ruby, regex, rails, uri