Geek at heart, interested in science, functional programming, automating monotony, and keeping it simple.
Joined September 2012
SCP Required on Both Hosts
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
ssh, unix, scp
Github Markdown Images
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
clojure, markdown, github
Clojure/Script Compatibility Magic
Rhodri Pugh
1 response
clojure, clojurescript, leiningen
Netcat to Test Connectivity
Rhodri Pugh
3 responses
networking, netcat, ports
Clojure/Datomic Reader Macro Gotcha
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
clojure, macros, datomic
Vim Paredit Gone Nutz?
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
vim, paredit
Append HTML with Enlive
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
clojure, clojurescript, hiccup, enlive
Screen Send Delay
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
vim, screen
Twig Filter Escaping
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
php, twig
lein check
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
clojure, leiningen
Reuse SSH Sessions
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
Symfony2 Form Theme Typos
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
php, symfony2, typos
SQS Non-Unique Message Delivery
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
aws, sqs
Using XPath with Jenkins XML API
Rhodri Pugh
1 response
Abort Git commit in Vim
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
vim, git
ExtJS 4 belongsTo Association
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
extjs, javascript
ExtJS XTemplate with Models
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
extjs, javascript
Easy Mou Access
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
shell, zsh, mou, bash
Mirror Symfony2 Dependencies
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
php, broker, symfony2
Slow Symfony2 Build?
Rhodri Pugh
3 responses
php, symfony2, twig
676 Karma
55,782 Total ProTip Views

Have at least one original repo where some form of shell script is the dominant language

Have at least one original repo where go is the dominant language

Velociraptor 3
Have at least three original repos where Perl is the dominant language

Truly improve developer quality of life by sharing at least 50 individual open source projects

Have at least one original repo where Perl is the dominant language

Komodo Dragon
Have at least one original repo where Java is the dominant language

Nephila Komaci
Have at least one original repos where PHP is the dominant language

Nephila Komaci 3
Have at least three original repos where PHP is the dominant language

The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos

Increase developer well-being by sharing at least 20 open source projects

Have a project valued enough to be forked by someone else

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need

Would you expect anything less? Have at least one original repo where Python is the dominant language

Bear 3
Have at least three original repos where Objective-C is the dominant language

Have at least one original repo where Objective-C is the dominant language

Narwhal 3
Have at least three original repos where Clojure is the dominant language

Have at least one original repo where Clojure is the dominant language