Popular Objective C Programming Tips
resign .ipa with new distribution certificate
Jeffrey Jackson
15 responses
xcode, ipad, iphone, ios
Use xcodebuild to build workspace vs project
Herman Lintvelt
0 responses
ios, xcode, xcodebuild, build script
Customize the Back Button of UINavigationItem in the Navigation Bar
Daniel Brajkovic
6 responses
xcode, ios, objective-c
How to save a NSArray/NSMutableArray in Core Data
Juan Fernández Sagasti
8 responses
cocoa, ios, core data, cocoa touch
Storing password in keychain the smart way
Philippe Converset
3 responses
password, ios, keychain, username
Custom transitions on iOS 7 & a little bit about UX
Andrej Mihajlov
4 responses
transitions, ios, objective-c
Fast snapshot any views on iOS 7
James Tang
3 responses
ios, objective-c
Cordova-StartApp: launch external app from Cordova app
Dmitry Medvinsky
3 responses
ios, cordova, phonegap, java
iOS - Change Line Height of UITextView
Noval Agung Prayogo
0 responses
objective-c, ios
Add a border to any UIView
Cherif YAYA
0 responses
ios, objective-c
Making all self references in blocks weak by default
6 responses
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Take a snapshot of a UIView as a UIImage
Samuel Chow
1 response
ios, objective-c
a simplified logging system using macros
David Rodrigues
1 response
logging, c, objective-c
Moving to the next UITextField in an iOS App
Paul Ledger
0 responses
ios, ipad, iphone, objective-c
UICollectionView: Set Initial ContentOffset
Robert Wünsch
1 response
cocoa touch, objective-c, uicollectionview
Resizing a view presented modally (iPad)
4 responses
ipad, ios, objective-c, ui-kit
Custom Title in Navigation Bar
Jeffrey Jackson
0 responses
ios, xcode, ipad, iphone
Objective-C Singleton Pattern (with ARC)
Paris Xavier Pinkney
1 response
arc, singleton, ios, c
Accessing Cocoa (Objective-C) from Go with cgo
Kiyoshi Murata
1 response
cocoa, objective-c, go, cgo
Create custom UIButton using stretched image
Samuel Chow
0 responses
objective-c, ios
Quick Guide to Objective-C DateFormatting
Samuel Chow
2 responses
cocoa, text, date, objective-c
iOS - Remove UIButton touch delay inner UIScrollView
Noval Agung Prayogo
0 responses
ios, objective-c
Custom Unicode Characters in Objective-C (SymbolSet)
Brendan O'Brien
1 response
unicode, objective-c