Owner/Designer at AnalyticL http://www.analyticl.com
Joined January 2013
Use a symlink with Laravel Valet to rename the "public" folder to anything you want.
Jon Thomas
0 responses
valet, php, macos, osx
Fix Chrome's issues with background-attachment: fixed
Jon Thomas
3 responses
css3, webkit, foundation, zurb
Open a project in Atom editor
Jon Thomas
2 responses
command line, editor, atom
Resizing OSX windows like a boss
Jon Thomas
8 responses
mac, os x, workflow
There is no design process
Jon Thomas
0 responses
frontend, process, design, workflow
Speed up MAMP Pro/virtual host name resolution
Jon Thomas
2 responses
sublime text, osx, mamp, apache
Ignore .sass-cache folder in Sublime Text
Jon Thomas
9 responses
sublime text, sass
Add a slick shadow to your page elements with pure CSS
Jon Thomas
0 responses
css, css3, html
Solid ST2 (and other editor) syntax themes
Jon Thomas
0 responses
vim, textmate, st2, syntax themes
Better "duplicate line" command for Sublime Text 2
Jon Thomas
10 responses
sublime text, st2
Allow native-feeling scroll in iOS webkit for absolutely positioned containers
Jon Thomas
2 responses
css, ios, webkit, frontend
Open Finder from your current directory in Terminal
Jon Thomas
0 responses
terminal, osx
Change the refresh delay for Guard LiveReload
Jon Thomas
0 responses
guard, livereload, sass
Easily rename all routes for a Rails REST resource
Jon Thomas
0 responses
rails, rails routes
Quickly allow Compass's liquid blueprint to use nested grids
Jon Thomas
0 responses
css, compass, grids, sass
A good refresher on writing quality CSS
Jon Thomas
1 response
css, oocss
Overlay a HTML element above an embedded youtube iframe
Jon Thomas
1 response
css, youtube, iframe, positioning
Syntax-specific indentation settings in Sublime Text 2
Jon Thomas
2 responses
sublime text 2, st2
Handy Sass mixin for creating media query breakpoints on-the-fly
Jon Thomas
6 responses
css, sass, rwd, front-end development
1,707 Karma
125,920 Total ProTip Views

Have a project valued enough to be forked by someone else

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need

Have at least one original jQuery or Prototype open source repo

The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos

Would you expect anything less? Have at least one original repo where Python is the dominant language

Have at least one original repo where Ruby is the dominant language