Other than maybe dragging a folder or group of files to Atom, I'm not sure. I actually haven't used Atom in a few months, so I don't know if they have anything new in that area, such as a list of saved projects to choose from like Sublime Text has.
Thanks for the tips, guys. I updated the original entry.
I noticed that as well when I switched to Sublime Text 3. It didn't do that in Sublime Text 2. However, I have noticed that if there is a blank line after what you're trying to duplicate, it works. I've also noticed some other syntaxes where it behaved starngely. I'm not an experienced Python developer, but I hope to take a look and see if I can fix this. Thanks for reporting! (If anyone knows how to fix this, please feel free to fork it!)
BTW this is now compatie with sublime text 3!
@artemgordinsky You're very welcome!
@falsetto I think a lot of people would be interested to see that. I fooled around for a bit. Seems like you can easer use the grunt connect server, or remove all of that convenience and use your own server. You lose a lot of the convenience of just running grunt server and being on your way though. I will definitely report back if I come across any ways to improve the workflow with Grunt/MAMP.
Great tip! Do you have any other tips about using a MAMP server to point to a Yeoman generated app? I mean, I don't want to use localhost:9000 anymore. I want my MAMP domain alias to point to /app and still be able to test with livereload. Is that possible?
Neither of which seem to work for me....
For newer versions of Oh My ZSH, I believe you have to use the following:
unsetopt correct
Sup @priestap. What a coincidence. ;-)
Here's the approach I use. Similar concept, but it's starting to become more of a widely accepted approach:
h1, .alpha {
h2, .beta {
h3, .gamma {
h4, .delta {
h5, .epsilon {
h6, .zeta {
Interesting. That didn't happen to me, but thanks for sharing in case someone else has that happen.
May go together well with a tip I wrote a while back: https://coderwall.com/p/4_dt8w
Follow up on this technique... You will have to edit this file every time you edit your virtual hosts in MAMP. It doesn't overwrite the one-line entries, but it does re-add all the entries below it. All you have to do is copy your new entry and put it up with the others, and you can delete the entries MAMP added again. I still think it's worth it. If anyone knows of a way to change the output format that MAMP Pro outputs to the /etc/hosts file, that would surely be helpful, if it's even possible.
Now available as a Sublime Text 2 plugin. Go get it!
Install instructions at
Thanks for adding. This approach is great for projects where you know which breakpoints you want to use. Even though I don't typically use specific breakpoints, there are times when I may find myself using the same breakpoint over and over, so it can only help to extract the common ones out into a variable or something. The code you provided works well in that regard.
And, yea, the code in these editors is a little janky when it comes to CSS, Sass, etc. Hopefully they improve that a little.
I submitted a pull request to add this to the Submlime package manager. Hopefully it's added soon!
@mauryaratan Good! It was a life saver for me too. I'm glad it helped.
Agreed. Such a great feature.
Very handy! Thanks for the tip!
And they just released the official 1.0. It's a great free app! Good tip.
Hey, you may want to fiddle with your markdown code until you get your @ includes to look ok. Had to do the same with my entry as well. It's trying to convert them to links, as if you're trying to mention someone, like this: @colegeissinger
Yeah, that's a complicated one to put into a short title. Kudos.
Great tip. Not a lot of people know about this feature. I use it quite a bit too.
If you don't mind me saying, it might be helpful to others who don't know about this feature if you adjust the title and intro a little. The way it's worded makes it sound like this tip will allow you to select the parent so that you can apply styles to that parent. That's still not possible. What it actually does is allow you apply specific styles to an element only if it is a child of the specified ancestor, which is what your example demonstrates very nicely.
A less confusing title might be something like "Reference a nested rule's parent selector in order to apply different styles to the rule using Sass or Less."
Again, great tip. People will find this very handy!
Good catch. It didn't show like that in the preview. I figured out what the problem was, and it would be great if someone knew how to write Sass comments in markdown. I think there are some characters that need to be escaped.
The Comments above the include ("//Change text color at XXXpx") were messing up the @include statement below. Looks like yours are acting strange too. Also, for some reason "@include" is being turned into a hyperlink.
Anyway, I hope that didn't throw anyone off. It's fixed now. :) Thanks @peduarte.
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FYI, the Homebrew installer has moved. Update your url in your ruby -e command to: