Ruby on Rails Development Tips
A collection of protips to help you work better with rails and dodge those nasty bugs.
Rails 4: How to partials & AJAX, dead easy
Sebastián González
27 responses
rails, ajax, partials, rails 4
Ruby on Rails 4 - Authentication with Facebook and OmniAuth.
Sergio Tapia Gutierrez
51 responses
rails, facebook, omniauth, authentication
Open a rails form with Twitter Bootstrap modals
Eduardo Vidal
19 responses
ruby, rails, twitter-bootstrap
Deploying Rails app using Nginx, Unicorn, Postgres and Capistrano to Digital Ocean
James Dullaghan
34 responses
rails, nginx, unicorn, capistrano
Ruby on Rails Flash messages with Bootstrap
James Brooks
5 responses
rails, flash, bootstrap
Rails - filter using join model on has_many through
James Brooks
9 responses
ruby, rails, active record, merge
Avoid Heroku idling with New Relic pings
16 responses
rails, heroku
Deploying a Flask App at Heroku
1 response
heroku, flask, git, python
Fix "Can't open file for writing" in Vim
Dan Croak
2 responses
rails, vim, unix, backbone.js
Documenting Rails-based REST API using Swagger UI
Samuel Chow
5 responses
ruby, rails, rest, swaggerui
Ruby On Rails User SignUp Email Confirmation Tutorial
Rory Koehler
4 responses
rails, email confirmation
Heroku deployment without the app being at the repo root (in a subfolder)
Darian Moody
2 responses
python, heroku, django
Rails 4: Allow your site to be iframed by another site.
Robbie Marcelo
2 responses
rails, iframe, clickjacking, rails4
using belongs_to with scaffold generator to quickly create associations
Greg Osuri
4 responses
ruby, rails, activerecord
How To Make Your Rails app start talking to a Postgres database?
1 response
ruby, rails, app, postgres
Use ImageMagick to create optimised and progressive JPGs
Andrew Walker
4 responses
rails, imagemagick, minimagick, carrrierwave
Forward Port 80 to Port 3000
Tim Morgan
1 response
shell, rails, iptables
Install PostgreSQL 9.2 on OS X Mountain Lion
Phil Cohen
16 responses
ruby, rails, osx, macports
"try" method - do you need it?
David Hrachový
2 responses
ruby, rails, try, refactor
How to get absolute image paths in your css files using sass/scss
2 responses
css, rails, scss, asset
erb to haml converter
7 responses
ruby, rails, haml, html
RESTful $resource in AngularJS
Petr Bela
4 responses
rails, angularjs, restful, resource
AngularJS table with paging, filter and sorting backed by Rails
Benny Ng
0 responses
rails, angularjs, pagination
1600% faster app requests with Rails on Heroku
7 responses
rails, heroku, unicorn, eventmachine
How to create a contact form for a GitHub Pages served Jekyll website
Tiago Garcia
6 responses
heroku, sinatra, recaptcha, github pages
Recent Activity
pg_search with eager load on searchable association
rails, ruby, pg_search
How to display action text when content contains the broken image
ruby, ruby on rails
Bringing Your (Encryption) Keys to Multi/Hybrid Clouds
Michael Laccetti
aws, heroku, vault, security
Value objects - a complete guide to Ruby code that is testable, readable and simple
ruby, ruby on rails, rails, design patterns
Heroku: Ruby Language Metrics (Public Beta) on Stack: Container
Rafael Oliveira
heroku, docker, container
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