Freelance developer available for work in Singapore or remote.
Formerly @apoiocleaning @agoracollective @bookserve.
Like #tastyfood #coffee #mountainbiking #soccer #techno #travel
Joined September 2014
Set up Ruby on Rails with Paperclip 5 and S3 using AWS SDK v2
Rory Koehler
2 responses
ruby, rails, aws, s3
Ruby On Rails: Using user saved ActiveSupport TimeZone String to fire a job at the users midnight
Rory Koehler
0 responses
ruby, rails, time zones, activesupport
Rails 4 Tutorial: Login with Soundcloud
Rory Koehler
2 responses
rails, oauth, soundcloud api
Setting up a brand new Postgres powered Ruby & Rails Development Environment with Vagrant
Rory Koehler
5 responses
rails, postgres, vagrant, virtual box
Ruby On Rails User SignUp Email Confirmation Tutorial
Rory Koehler
4 responses
rails, email confirmation