Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· wjonthomas

Show your User/Library folder in OS X

Lion decided to hide the ~/Library folder, stored in your user folder. I access it quite a bit to work with application package files, such as Sublime Text 2. So, here's a quick tip to make it always visible again in your user folder.

Open Terminal and type the following

chflags nohidden ~/Library

Now, you should see your Library folder in your username directory.

If you just need quick, one-off access to it, you can use the Go To Folder command in Finder's Go menu. Then just type ~/Library in the input, and it will take you to your user/Library folder.

In case you don't know what the ~ symbol is where I use it above, it's a symbol that references your username folder on OS X.


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Here are some additional tips for accessing your user Library directory: