Trending Programming Tips
Using Karma/ with CircleCI
Hwan-Joon Choi
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Speed Up Site Development With Mixture
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Terminal Meta Goodness in iTerm
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Keep Pathogen bundles up to date with git
Garrett Oreilly
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Be more productive
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JavaScript: Floor a number like a boss
Osvaldo Zonetti
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Hover Intent with Pure CSS3
J. Hogue
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Figure out who to blame with git
Miles Matthias
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git, code review, blame, show A curated collection of great CSS, Sass, LESS and Stylus libraries.
Michael Musgrove
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Retry git push as long as the server is down
Stuart P. Bentley
1 response
bash, retry
Introduction to Ember.js (for Rails dev)
Tu Hoang
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View Rails logs through Capistrano task
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git branch in bash
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Prevent updates on Rails models
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Generate UUID at shell prompt
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Enable colors in git console output
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Widget title on before_widget tag class
Leonardo Prado
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php, widgets, filters, wordpress
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Esuna: Classy Front-End framework
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mdcat: Markdown to text
Harley Laue
1 response
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git = !git
Magnus Dahlstrand
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Style the WebKit scrollbar
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css, helmwind
ctags in Rails project
Jason King
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shell, rails, cli, ctags
Pagination: You're (Probably) Doing It Wrong.
Ian MacLeod
10 responses
algorithms, infinite scroll, pagination, ajax