Joined October 2012

Tu Hoang

parttime RoR guy, fulltime Bun Rieu maniac
Berlin, Germany

I'm into the making of things.

Blog StackOverflow

Prefer guard clause to nested conditions

Tu Hoang
0 responses · rails, if, guard clause, nested conditions

Rails authentication using Facebook

Tu Hoang
0 responses · rails, omniauth, authentication, omniauth-facebook

Find latest Rails stable version

Tu Hoang
0 responses · ruby, rails, gem, vulnerabilities.4-0-stable

Ensuring Data Integrity with Ruby on Rails

Tu Hoang
0 responses · rails, active record, validation, data integrity

Keep your Heroku app from idling

Tu Hoang
0 responses · heroku, idle, pingdom, uptimerobot

Avoid nil:NilClass error message

Tu Hoang
0 responses · ruby, rails, nil, undefined method

Edit Rails records in-place like a spreadsheet

Tu Hoang
0 responses · rails, active admin, in-place editing, best_in_place

Friendly URLs in Rails

Tu Hoang
1 response · rails, active admin, stringex, friendly url
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