Your friendly neighborhood anarchist. I hack (on) stuff for a living. Involved in and running
Joined March 2012
Trace SQL queries back to Rails code
Michael Kohl
0 responses
ruby, rails, activerecord, query
Add a Ruby-like "spaceship operator" to Swift
Michael Kohl
0 responses
ruby, swift
Debug the filter chain of a controller
Michael Kohl
0 responses
rails, controller, filter
Swift REPL in terminal
Michael Kohl
0 responses
terminal, ios, osx, swift
tmux: easier command prefix
Michael Kohl
0 responses
productivity, tmux
Automatic named scopes with state_machine
Michael Kohl
0 responses
ruby, rails, scopes, state_machine
Ruby 2.0: TracePoint
Michael Kohl
0 responses
ruby, debugging, 2.0
Looking at Ruby internals
Michael Kohl
0 responses
ruby, compiler
Ruby: make plain text links clickable
Michael Kohl
2 responses
ruby, regex, rails, uri
The Ruby GC explained by _why
Michael Kohl
0 responses
ruby, tips, _why
Class and instance variables in Ruby
Michael Kohl
0 responses
ruby, tips
Blocks, Procs, Lambdas
Michael Kohl
0 responses
ruby, tips
262 Karma
19,761 Total ProTip Views
Platypus 3
Have at least three original repo where scala is the dominant language
Have at least one original repo where scala is the dominant language
Increase developer well-being by sharing at least 20 open source projects
The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos
Lemmings 100
Write something great enough to have at least 100 watchers of the project
Have a project valued enough to be forked by someone else
Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need
Mongoose 3
Have at least three original repos where Ruby is the dominant language
Have at least one original repo where Ruby is the dominant language
Have at least one original repo where Clojure is the dominant language