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Joined September 2012
Responsive Images with this One Weird Trick
Jim Greenleaf
4 responses
css, responsive, image, background-image
Vim-style movement (and more) in Sublime Text 3
Jim Greenleaf
1 response
vim, text editor, shortcuts, sublime text 3
Vim movement in iTerm2
Jim Greenleaf
3 responses
osx, vim, iterm2
Never Refresh Again
Jim Greenleaf
0 responses
css, nodejs, webdev, grunt
Star Ratings in CSS & UTF8
Jim Greenleaf
5 responses
css, html, utf-8, star
Clean up OSX .dotfiles
Jim Greenleaf
3 responses
shell, alias, osx, files
Use your aliases with sudo
Jim Greenleaf
0 responses
shell, aliases, sudo, bashrc
Animate the Inanimate
Jim Greenleaf
0 responses
jquery, animation, javascript
CSS does Math
Jim Greenleaf
5 responses
css, responsive design, css3, front-end
Absolute paths & require()
Jim Greenleaf
2 responses
nodejs, javascript
Promise Chains with Node.js
Jim Greenleaf
24 responses
nodejs, q, promises, asynchronous code
1,842 Karma
251,980 Total ProTip Views

Nephila Komaci 3
Have at least three original repos where PHP is the dominant language

Have at least one original repo where some form of shell script is the dominant language

Nephila Komaci
Have at least one original repos where PHP is the dominant language

The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos

Have at least one original jQuery or Prototype open source repo

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need