Popular Nginx Programming Tips
Installing Nginx in Mac OS X Maverick With Homebrew
Reinaldo Aguilera
23 responses
config, nginx, homebrew, maverick
Nginx direct file upload
60 responses
nginx, file upload
Nginx as proxy for Amazon S3
13 responses
nginx, s3
Create htpasswd file for nginx (without apache)
Boris Quiroz
2 responses
apache, nginx, htaccess
Deploying Rails app using Nginx, Unicorn, Postgres and Capistrano to Digital Ocean
James Dullaghan
34 responses
rails, nginx, unicorn, capistrano
HTTPS with Certbot for Nginx on Amazon Linux
4 responses
nginx, ssl
Installing PHP 5.4, MySQL, PhpMyAdmin and Nginx on Mac using Homebrew
15 responses
php, mysql, mac, nginx
Have PHP-FPM Listen On Unix Socket
Ryan Mitchell
0 responses
php, linux, nginx, php-fpm
Local docker development with virtual hosts
Andrew Thal
0 responses
docker, local, development, virtual hosts
Force file download with Nginx
4 responses
Debugging nginx Rewrite
Gabriel Pires
0 responses
debug, nginx, rewrite
Set up multiple websites on a Digital Ocean droplet running nginx and node.js
Steven Iseki
2 responses
node, nginx, digitalocean
Generating a self-signed wildcard certificate
0 responses
apache, nginx, ssl, openssl
setting multiple PHP_VALUE in Nginx config
Ramon de la Fuente
1 response
nginx, php-fpm, php_value, php_flag
Regex to parse your default nginx access logs
Nikola Sivkov
2 responses
python, regex, nginx
Nginx aggressive asset configuration
Stéphane Bachelier
3 responses
performance, assets, cache, nginx
SSL session caching in nginx
Marc Cooper
0 responses
nginx, ssl, tls
Create SSL Certificates for ISPConfig using Let's Encrypt
Denver Sessink
0 responses
linux, unix, apache, nginx
nginx.conf query string processing
Jason Solis
0 responses
configuration, nginx
Vagrant: Apache/nginx serving outdated static files? Turn off sendfile()!
Pierre Groth
4 responses
apache, nginx, vagrant, sendfile
How to install nginx with passenger using chef
Snir David
3 responses
nginx, vagrant, chef, passenger
Serving protected static content using nginx for speed and Rails server for authentication
Samuel Chow
0 responses
ruby, rails, nginx, thin
Nginx reverse proxy cache for OpenStreetMap
Bartłomiej Danek
0 responses
http, cache, nginx, openstreetmap
VPS Configuration from scratch - Rails, Nginx, PostgreSQL.
Sergio Tapia Gutierrez
7 responses
rails, nginx, devops, vps
Setting environement variable for Symfony Nginx/PHP-FPM
Stéphane Bachelier
0 responses
nginx, environment, symfony, php-fpm