Conquer Code in Vim With 4 Keystrokes or Less
Vim's power is its infinitely extensive customizability and terseness. Learn these tips and maybe you'll eventually solve all of mankind's problems in less then 7 keystrokes.
Vim Git Diff in the Gutter
Rajeev N Bharshetty
2 responses
rails, vim, tip, plugin
Lint your coffeescript (vim)
Ben Augarten
1 response
vim, coffee, lint, coffeescript
Start MacVim in fullscreen
Stanislaw Pusep
0 responses
vim, mac, macvim
Twitter Bootstrap Snippets for Vim
Benjamin Sullivan
0 responses
vim, twitter, bootstrap, prototyping
Fenced code block highlighting with vim-markdown
Andrew Radev
0 responses
vim, markdown
Changing My Git Editor On The Fly
Shakeel Mohamed
1 response
git, editor, alias, shell
Easy console.log in vim
Raymond Julin
0 responses
vim, javascript
Vim diffs to webpages
James Rampton
2 responses
html, diff, web, vim
Lint your code!
Tim Heap
0 responses
python, haskell, vim, development
Reuse .jshintrc in a grunt project
Uri Sharf
0 responses
vim, lint, jshint, grunt
Install MacVim on OSX and override system vim in one shot
Jason Whaley
0 responses
osx, vim, brew
More JSON formatting
Jason Rogers
0 responses
vim, json, commandline, yajl
git mergetool with vimdiff
Tom, Bom
0 responses
vim, git
CommandT for vim
Ryan Regalado
4 responses
vim, tool, search, ide
Want to use MacVim with Unity?
Alex Hart
0 responses
vim, mac, unity, c#
Ruby files really slow in VIM?
Bartek Mucha
1 response
ruby, vim, slow
ZSH vi mode bind jj to enter normal mode
Ryan Kois
0 responses
shell, zsh, vim
Become root inside vim
eranga bandara
1 response
shell, vim
Evaluate Ruby in Vim
Sonny Scroggin
0 responses
ruby, vim
VimClojure - A filetype, syntax and indent plugin for Clojure
Rajmahendra Hegde
0 responses
clojure, vim, jvm language, java
Visudo con nano
Ángel Isaac Pizano
0 responses
shell, nano, linux, sudo
Getting PCKeyboardHack to work in OS X Mountain Lion
Simon Pantzare
0 responses
osx, vim, mountain lion, pckeyboardhack
Debug stack traces from within vim
Matthew Boehm
0 responses
python, viml, vim, debugging