Hiya, I've just moved my all protips from my personal blog. This way more people can find them, comment on them or suggest better solutions.
Joined April 2013
Mark Ember.js spec as pending
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
Opening interactive shell in neovim
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
vim, neovim
Opening interactive shell in neovim
Wojtek Ryrych
1 response
vim, neovim
Reviving stale / zombie resque worker
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
rails, resque
Learn how to refactor long vimrc config.
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
vim, dotfiles
Finding inside current gemset with GEM_HOME
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
vim, rails
Distractless viewing rails logs with Rlog
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
vim, rails
Be faster with your fingers at home row
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
shell, productivity
Querying database from inside Vim
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
vim, sql
Creating pull request with hub pull-request CLI
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
git, github
Freezing time with time zone in RSpec
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
rails, rspec
List all of your aliases with one meta-alias
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
zsh, shell
Exploring available methods in `pry` with `ls`
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
rails, rspec
Measuring Ember.js tests run time
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
emberjs, performance
Trimming standard output with tr command
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
zsh, shell
Trimming standard output with tr command
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
zsh, shell
Reusing previous command argument in new command
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
shell, zsh, bash
Substituting last command argument in zsh
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
zsh, shell
Substituting last command argument in zsh
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
zsh, shell
Measure top 10 shell commands to be more productive
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
shell, aliases, productivity, git
ag vs. ack – performance booster for programmers
Wojtek Ryrych
1 response
shell, performance, ack, ag
Bootstrap Tooltip - how to deal with asynchrony
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
ember.js, emberjs
Ember Views For Dummies
Wojtek Ryrych
0 responses
ember.js, handlebars
has many relation in fixtures in Ember-Data rev 12
Wojtek Ryrych
4 responses
ember.js, ember-data
331 Karma
59,883 Total ProTip Views

The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos

Lemmings 100
Write something great enough to have at least 100 watchers of the project

Forked 20
Have an established project that's been forked at least 20 times

Have a project valued enough to be forked by someone else

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need

Have at least one original repo where Ruby is the dominant language

Have at least one original jQuery or Prototype open source repo