Last Updated: July 02, 2016
· ryrych

Mark Ember.js spec as pending

To mark Ember.js test as pending use Qunit.skip.

Qunit.skip is better than commenting the whole spec out. In Ember.js first import it from qunit node module and use the following way.

import { test, skip } from 'qunit';


skip('visiting /auth/register valid data', function(assert) {


// import moduleForAcceptance from 'my-app/tests/helpers/module-for-acceptance';
// import { test } from 'qunit';
// moduleForAcceptance('Acceptance | | register', {
//   beforeEach() {
//     visit('/auth/register');
//   },
// });
// test('visiting /auth/register valid data', function(assert) {
//   fillIn('#inputOrganization', '2357');
//   fillIn('#inputEmail', '');
//   fillIn('#inputName', 'John Doe');
//   fillIn('#inputPassword', 'secret');
//   fillIn('#inputPasswordConfirm', 'secret');
//   click('#inputTerms');
//   click('button[type="submit"]');
//   andThen(function() {
//     assert.contains('.alert-success', 'Your account has been registered and waiting for your confirmation.');
//   });
// });


skip('visiting /auth/register valid data', function(assert) {
  fillIn('#inputOrganization', '2357');