Conquer Code in Vim With 4 Keystrokes or Less
Vim's power is its infinitely extensive customizability and terseness. Learn these tips and maybe you'll eventually solve all of mankind's problems in less then 7 keystrokes.
Vim-style movement (and more) in Sublime Text 3
Jim Greenleaf
1 response
vim, text editor, shortcuts, sublime text 3
Markdown with Fenced Code Blocks in Vim
Tyler Hunt
2 responses
vim, markdown
How to detect plugins slowing Vim down
Benjamin Chrétien
1 response
debug, vim, plugin, slow
Pretty format XML in Vim
Marcin Kulik
4 responses
vim, xml
Vim automatic wrapping at 80 characters
Chip Castle
0 responses
viml, vimscript, vim, vi
Setup Vim for Ruby on Rails (OSX)
Carlos Baraza
2 responses
ruby, rails, configuration, osx
Seamlessly navigate tmux and vim splits
Mislav Marohnić
4 responses
terminal, vim, tmux
Add an abbreviation for IPDB in vim
Chris McKinnel
0 responses
python, vim, productivity
Use Fugitive as Git mergetool
Adam Stankiewicz
2 responses
vim, git, fugitive
VIM: get current file path
0 responses
vim, file path
Use Solarized in your Vim? Use Light during the day and Dark at night!
Garrett Oreilly
1 response
vim, solarized, vimrc
phpcomplete-extended: a fast, extensible vim autocomplete plugin for PHP projects
Mun Mun Das
3 responses
php, vim, plugin, autocomplete
vim: yank lines by marking section
Ryan Regalado
0 responses
vim, mark, lines, yank
Vundle - no more vim plugins as git submodules
Alexander Tamoykin
1 response
vim, plugin, git, pathogen
Gain clipboard support for Vim on OS X
Adam Stankiewicz
4 responses
osx, vim, clipboard
error: There was a problem with the editor 'vi'.
0 responses
bash, zsh, git, osx
Inserting Text Repeatedly in Vim
Rajeev N Bharshetty
0 responses
vim, tips
Speed up your already speedy Vim development
Chris McKinnel
7 responses
vim, productivity