Use Solarized in your Vim? Use Light during the day and Dark at night!
Do the following in your .vimrc!
Set your color scheme to solarized!
colorscheme solarized
Launch vim with light background during the day and dark at night.
if strftime("%H") >= 5 && strftime("%H") <= 17
set background=light
set background=dark
Source ~/.vimrc any time you save a file, so the background color will change if it becomes day/night.
if has("autocmd")
autocmd bufwritepost * source ~/.vimrc
Written by Garrett Oreilly
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1 Response

Great work
You can also add this to your .bash_profile given that you have the terminal themes
you can get theme from
and :) your good to go day and night
h=$((date +"%H"
if [ "$h" -ge 5 ] && [ "$h" -le 17 ]; then
osascript <<'END'
tell application "Terminal"
set current settings of tabs of windows to settings set "Solarized Light"
end tell
osascript <<'END'
tell application "Terminal"
set current settings of tabs of windows to settings set "Solarized Dark"
end tell