Conquer Code in Vim With 4 Keystrokes or Less
Vim's power is its infinitely extensive customizability and terseness. Learn these tips and maybe you'll eventually solve all of mankind's problems in less then 7 keystrokes.
Removing whitespace with Vim
Jared McFarland
3 responses
vim, programming, textediting
Use Vim visual blocks to squash multiple git commits
Craig Marvelley
1 response
vim, rebase, git
Map :W to :w in vim
Alexander Greim
5 responses
viml, vim
Turn textareas into a mini Vim or Emacs
Benjamin Harris
1 response
emacs, vim, browser, editor
A new Vim monokai color scheme for JavaScript
2 responses
vim, javascript
Vim & Tmux & System Clipboard
Andrew Thal
7 responses
osx, vim, homebrew, tmux
Replace double quotes with single quotes in Vim
Jason Seney
0 responses
regex, vim, search
Update your vim pathogen plugins.
Jens Grassel
9 responses
shell, vim, git, pathogen
Column Edit Mode in VI
Bui The Hoa
0 responses
vim, vi
Opening interactive shell in neovim
Wojtek Ryrych
1 response
vim, neovim
.vimrc for root user
Willem van der Jagt
0 responses
vim, linux, sudo, vimrc
Vim and SystemVerilog
Parviz Palangpour
3 responses
vim, ctags, systemverilog, uvm
Backup all modified files in git.
Sequoia McDowell
7 responses
vim, xargs, git
enable vim with lua support
0 responses
lua, vim, macvim
How to speed up CtrlP
Alexey Astafyev
4 responses
vim, ctrlp
Always run gofmt in vim
Matt Williams
2 responses
vim, golang
Vim: Checking Python code on the fly
Caio Ariede
0 responses
python, vim
Using Vim with fish shell
Dmitry Medvinsky
4 responses
fish, vim, bash