Last Updated: September 20, 2016
· m2mdas

phpcomplete-extended: a fast, extensible vim autocomplete plugin for PHP projects

phpcomplete-extended is a fast, extensible, context aware autocomplete plugin
for PHP composer projects. Initially it reads autoload classmap of a composer
project, parses doc-comments of each class and creates index from them. After
that it auto updates index as you type thanks to
vimproc.vim plugin. Besides
autocomplete this plugin have several code inspection features,

  • Includes full core PHP documentation
  • See documentation of current word, be it class name, method or property. It is context aware.
  • Go to definition of a symbol. Also context aware.
  • Automatically add use statement of current completed word. Also added plugin command of this action.
  • The plugin is extensible so that framework specific autocomplete suggestion(for example facades in laravel, DIC services in Symfony2 frameworks) is possible. Checkout phpcomplete-extended-symfony and phpcomplete-extended-laravel for the implementation.

  • If unite.vim plugin installed following sources are available,

    • phpcomplete/files : Lists PHP files of the project.
    • phpcomplete/vendors : Lists vendor directories
    • phpcomplete/extends : Lists classes that extends the class guessed from the current cursor word.
    • phpcomplete/implements : Lists classes that implements the class guessed from the current cursor word.

Checkout the following videos demonstrating features of the plugins

Head to the github repository for installation instruction and additional information about the plugin.

3 Responses
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Wow, I can't believe this treasure trove got no attention! Thanks for the fantastic resources!

over 1 year ago ·

Woah, this is literally a treasure. This post definitely needs more attention.

Thanks for sharing this!

over 1 year ago ·

thats great !

over 1 year ago ·