Popular Plugin Programming Tips
How to enable Vim bindings in a latest IPython/Jupyter
0 responses
vim, plugin, announcement, ipython-notebook
Fixing missing language plugin issue in Sonar
Martin Naumann
3 responses
maven, plugin, language, martin-n
Install plugins on elasticsearch with docker-compose
Pulkit Singhal
1 response
elasticsearch, plugin, docker
How to detect plugins slowing Vim down
Benjamin Chrétien
1 response
debug, vim, plugin, slow
phpcomplete-extended: a fast, extensible vim autocomplete plugin for PHP projects
Mun Mun Das
3 responses
php, vim, plugin, autocomplete
Vundle - no more vim plugins as git submodules
Alexander Tamoykin
1 response
vim, plugin, git, pathogen
Easily drop-in your regular libraries with Sublime Text Fetch
Benjamin Harris
1 response
sublime text, plugin
Redirecting 404s in Craft CMS
Arik Jones
0 responses
php, plugin, twig, craft cms
A jQuery plugin to use animate.css with callbacks
Craig Dennis
0 responses
callback, plugin, animate.css, jquery
Benjamin Chrétien
0 responses
workspace, vim, plugin
css color preview plugin done right
Konstantin Gorodinskiy
2 responses
css, vim, colors, plugin
Amazing CSS3/HTML5 plugins
Juan Jose Alonso
2 responses
css, web, css3, js
Handle keyboard shortcuts with jQuery
Pulkit Goyal
0 responses
jquery, keyboard, plugin, tutorial
Better jQuery Performance
Zach Reed
1 response
performance, plugin, jquery plugin, jquery performance
Vim Git Diff in the Gutter
Rajeev N Bharshetty
2 responses
rails, vim, tip, plugin
Documenting jQuery plugins with jsdoc-toolkit
Pulkit Goyal
0 responses
documentation, plugin, jsdoc, jsdoc-toolkit
Open Rails spec files as "RSpec" by default (Sublime Text 2/3)
Thomas Klemm
1 response
rails, plugin, syntax, rspec
Benjamin Chrétien
0 responses
vim, plugin, align
Diogo Parrinha
0 responses
plugin, mybb, newpoints, pirata nervo
Synonym dictionary plugin for Sublime
Papp László
0 responses
sublime, plugin, thesaurus, synonym
using a nested model for your custom gradle task or plugin
Tobias Gesellchen
0 responses
plugin, input, gradle, custom
dragend JS a – jQuery plugin for content swiping
Tobias Otte
0 responses
mobile, js, plugin, jquery
jQuery Photo Coordinates Plugin
Augustianne Barreta
0 responses
plugin, photo tagging, jquery
A Simple jQuery Plugin for Animating Scroll
Ram swaroop
0 responses
jquery, plugin, scroll, animate
Vim can autocorrect misspellings and typos
Chip Castle
0 responses
vim, plugin, typo, typos
Recent Activity
Install plugins on elasticsearch with docker-compose
Pulkit Singhal
elasticsearch, plugin, docker
Quickly save code snippets to gist using vim
kiran ps
vim, plugin, gist, snippets
How to enable Vim bindings in a latest IPython/Jupyter
vim, plugin, announcement, ipython-notebook
Debug with ease and create your own debugging plugins!
Dal Rupnik
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Presenting Derby: A Sublime Text 2 Plugin
Steve Floyd
sass, plugin, sublime text 2, bourbon
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