Python Development Tips
Get smart with these essential protips for python developers.
Manage multiple AWS accounts with CLI (eb for Elastic Beanstalk)
Jónatan Rojas
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python, rails, push, cli
Use Sublime Text 3 as your project time tracker
Michel Gotta
1 response
python, sublime text, workflow, timetracking
Visualizing your django models
Skate Hunbash
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python, django
Style Django form widgets individually
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python, css, django, form
Administration Location
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php, python, security
Making Django CSV imports crazy easy
Pam Selle
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python, django, data
Temp-mail: A python API wrapper for service which lets you use anonymous emails
Denis Veselov
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python, api, email, free
Installing `mitmproxy` on Mac OS X Mavericks 10.9.2
Ruiwen Chua
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python, macosx, pip, clang
Sub Applications in Django.
Debashis Dip
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python, django
One line web server
Greg Roodt
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python, web, http, dotfiles
Ruby-like OpenStruct in Python
Emmanuel Turlay
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python, ruby, struct, openstruct
Another Caveat when migrating to Django MPTT
Alex Hart
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python, django, migrations, south
Testing with Betamax
Ian Cordasco
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python, requests, vcr, python-requests
Get an <option> from a <select> with Python Selenium WebDriver
Giovanni Lodi
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python, django, selenium, engineergio
Scrape Foursquare API to get venue information
Matthew L
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python, api, json, pandas
Python memoize decorator
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python, til
Dojo: Level Up Your Communication Skill!
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php, python, dojo, java
Installing ReviewBoard on Debian
Hatem Nassrat
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python, linux, debian, reviewboard
Python string templating vs. concatenation gotcha
Scott Bradley
2 responses
python, strings, none
Displaying Useful Relative Dates in Python
Josh Kuhn
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python, formatting, dates
Python: Writing Simple IRC Bots
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python, irc, karma, socket
Flask handler for ROBOTS.txt
Gabriel Falcão
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python, flask