Python Development Tips
Get smart with these essential protips for python developers.
check twitter username
0 responses
python, twitter
pandoc preprocessor
George Silva
0 responses
python, latex, markdown, pandoc
Progressbar for ipython and ipython notebook
Daniel Wehner
0 responses
python, notebook, ipython
Local Development with Django over SSL
Ted Dziuba
2 responses
python, django, ssl
Play with PyPy
Jiangge Zhang
0 responses
python, pypy
Give Your Projects Separate VM's (Go Vagrant)
Michael Dunn
0 responses
python, development, vagrant, virtualenv
Rivets - Python asset management system
Will McKenzie
0 responses
coffeescript, python, css, scss
Django dev server in vagrant
Willem van der Jagt
0 responses
python, django, vagrant, vm
Background jobs with Iron and Heroku in 10 minutes
0 responses
heroku, iron, background job, python
Crazy Python literate programming + DSL idea
Erik Allik
4 responses
python, metaprogramming, dsl, literate programming
Yet another script to split PostgreSQL dumps into object files
Matt Keranen
0 responses
python, hybriddba, postgresql
Passing parameters in Fabric Tasks
Ellison Leão
0 responses
python, tip, fabric, parameters
Python one line HTTP server
Diego Pérez
0 responses
python, html, http
Python I/O Open Close File
1 response
python, file, io
Django T-shirt for perfectionists
Caio Ariede
0 responses
python, django
Learning Python? Use Vim + dotfiles
Andrew V.
6 responses
python, vim
Painless Vagrant Provisioning with HereDocs and bash
Rui Carmo
0 responses
shell, vagrant, fabric, python
The Best Way To Optimize Images
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
php, python, css, open source
Lookup pydoc using Vim keywordprg
Saager Mhatre
1 response
python, vim, keywordprg, pydoc
ER diagram for OpenStack database
Lorin Hochstein
0 responses
python, openstack, sqlalchemy
Using iPython's magic %edit to easily edit large inline blocks of code
Loisaida Sam
0 responses
python, ipython, edit
Storing Google API credentials in a Python dict
Mattijs Hoitink
1 response
python, google, api, google api
Run a single Python unittest
Filippo Valsorda
0 responses
python, test
Python console tab autocomplete
Eric Marcos Pitarch
1 response
python, console, autocomplete
Checking the instance of multiple items at once
2 responses
functional programming, python