Python Development Tips
Get smart with these essential protips for python developers.
Why Python Is The Best Programming Language For Fintech Software
0 responses
python, fintech
Animated 3D Canvases & SVG's
Nicholas Jordon
3 responses
ruby, php, python, css
Web server one-liner
Benjamin Goering
4 responses
python, server, one-liner
Live wallpaper changer for ubuntu. Inspired from chrome momentum extension
0 responses
python, ubuntu wallpeper, live wallpaper
compile vim with luajit
Oliver Mueller
0 responses
ruby, python, lua, vim
List Comprehension in Python
Julien Garcia Gonzalez
0 responses
python, list, list comprehension, ideone
Python "int * list" operation: the illusion of safety
Antonio Vera
1 response
python, dynamic programming, pitfall, caveat
Python directory traversal & copying
Bassem Dy
0 responses
python, copy, directory, tree
Helpful Bash Aliases for Django
Ron Elliott
0 responses
python, django, bash
Erase All Posts from a Tumblr blog
Xavier Stevens
0 responses
python, tumblr
tox, run a single test
Miguel Quintero
0 responses
python, tox
Generating SearchQuerySet with multiple boolean operators in Haystack
Martin Putniorz
2 responses
python, django, haystack, whoosh
remove BOM in columns (pandas, python)
Paulo Rosário
0 responses
python, pandas
GNU Make Tips & Tricks
Hatem Nassrat
1 response
python, linux, make, tricks
pip outdated
3 responses
python, pip, dependencies, upgrade
Learn programing languages by example
Mariz Melo
2 responses
ruby, php, python, sql
Handlebars precompiler plugin Sublime Text 2
Jorge Luis Rivera
3 responses
python, sublime text 2, plugins, javascript
Simple HTTP server
Marcelo Ramos
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Twitter Plugin for Django CMS
Vinit Kumar
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python, twitter, django, django-cms
Editing config files with Python
Eugene Pankov
0 responses
python, configs
Add test cases to test classes via mixins
Kamil Kisiel
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python, unittest
why learn new languages? Simple! It gives perspective
Gideon Israel Dsouza
9 responses
python, perl, haskell, languages
Verbose regexes in Python
Vincent Driessen
0 responses
python, re