Python Development Tips
Get smart with these essential protips for python developers.
Dynamic parameter substitution in Python
Iain Campbell
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python, sqlalchemy
Heroku pip problem
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python, heroku, flask, git
Lint your code!
Tim Heap
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python, haskell, vim, development
Intersection and other operations on CSV file
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python, csv, mailchimp
Conditional Assignment (null coalescing)
Nick Jacob
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ruby, php, python, javascript
Overriding @property setters in Python 3
Simon Coulton
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python, classes
Memory Mapping using Python in OS X
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python, osx
Making the Click command decorator behave well for Sphinx auto-docs
Scott Bradley
1 response
python, sphinx, cli, click
Fix virtualenvwrapper to work with fabric
José Tomás Tocino
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python, django, deployment, virtualenv
Convenient use of assert in Python
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How to create your custom virtualenv installation that include the packages of your choice
Laurent Peuch
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python, pip, virtualenv, ipython
Auto-update ipython notebook cell
Daniel Wehner
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python, ipython, javascript
Django - South - Rename column
Eric Carmichael
1 response
python, django, db, south
Django: Autoloading tempalate tags the easy way
Mir Nazim
1 response
python, django, templatetags, quick hacks
Fabric - install Python, Zope 2 and create a Zope instance (Linux)
Vimalkumar Velayudhan
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python, fabric, zope, vkvn
Sublime - Run python in cmd
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python, sublime text, run in cmd
Resample 3D image data in a vtkImageData object using the vtkImageReslice class
Adamos Kyriakou
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python, interpolation, vtk, resampling
SMTP server on python for development with storing emails.
Vadym Zakovinko
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python, development, email, smtpd
Debug stack traces from within vim
Matthew Boehm
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python, viml, vim, debugging
TDD in Python with Nosy and Sneazr
Brian Gesiak
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python, nose, tdd
pip with virtualenv "failed to create process."
Islam Ali
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python, pip, virtualenv, error
PostgreSql, flask and Unicode problem solution
Ignas Butėnas
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python, unicode, flask, postgresql
Voldemort: A Jinja2 powered static site generator
Sreejith Kesavan
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python, blog, jinja, voldemort