Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· madsulrik_

Django - virtualenvwrapper setup and install

Use virtualenvwrapper for your django projects

It is simple first you have to fullfill these requirements:
- Unix-based system (linux or mac) or you can use for windows users
- A basic understanding of unix-based system will help A-lot

first Step
Make sure you have python installed (Will come with most linux-systems)

Second Step
Install pip (It is a great tool)

sudo easy_install pip

make sure your install is correct


Third Step
Get virtualenv installed

sudo pip install virtualenv

Fourth Step
Now you finally have to install virtualenvwrapper

sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper

Great! now you have to set it up

cd $HOME
mkdir .virtualenvs

Now you need to open the .bash-login file. Open it and add the following line

source /usr/local/bin/

Now you should have virtualenvwrapper installed and ready to run
lets make some env's
