Popular Linux Programming Tips
Remote Access to IPython Notebooks via SSH
24 responses
python, linux, ssh, notebook
Find all the IP ranges on an ASN
James Barnett
0 responses
linux, networking, one-liner, bash
$#, $@ & $?: Bash Built-in variables
Hikmat Dhamee
2 responses
shell, script, linux, commands
Add self signed SSL certificate to Android (for browsing)
8 responses
android, linux, ssl, self-signed certificate
List files modified in the last hour - find command
Daniel Romero
1 response
shell, find, linux, unix
Reset a lost password on an Ubuntu VM
Matt Gauger
7 responses
linux, sysadmin, vmware, ubuntu
Default gateway on CentOS
David Rodrigues
1 response
linux, network, centos, redhat
Access EC2 Linux box over ssh without .pem file
Willem van der Jagt
22 responses
shell, ssh, aws, amazon
Simple way to find a java process (linux)
Francisco Collao G.
1 response
linux, java
Understanding iostat
1 response
Recursive find & replace with sed
Matt Senior
2 responses
sed, grep, linux
What is the best OS for web development? (Community Protip)
Nicholas Jordon
13 responses
ruby, php, python, open source
Reset the MySQL 5.7 root password in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Jon Peck
5 responses
mysql, ubuntu, linux, server administration
Send mail like a boss!
Ryan Yonzon
8 responses
terminal, linux, gmail, smtp
Limit ssh access by IP address
Cameron Oltmann
0 responses
linux, ssh
Unlimited free private/public repos with Gitlab
Nicholas Jordon
12 responses
ruby, php, python, shell
Mounting EXFAT formatted pendrives in fedora linux
Jose Miguel
3 responses
linux, fedora, flash, mount
Delimiters in sed substitution
Martin Runelöv
0 responses
shell, terminal, sed, linux
How to create debian package from source
Alex Lushpai
2 responses
linux, debian
Create a gateway with a transparent proxy (Iptables, Squid)
3 responses
linux, proxy, iptables, gateway
Raspbian: how to resize the root partition to fill SD card
1 response
linux, raspberry pi
Setting gtk2 and gtk3 theme via config file
Jens Grassel
0 responses
linux, gui, x11, gtk
Safer bash scripts with 'set -euxo pipefail'
6 responses
linux, bash
Manipulating PATH variable in fish-shell
2 responses
shell, linux, fish-shell
Bash startup scripts on Linux and Mac OS X
Alexander Breen
1 response
shell, linux, mac os x, .bash_profile
Recent Activity
Como matar processos java (Windows e Linux) via Java Virtual Machine Process Status Tool (JPS)
Pedro Pietroluongo
java, linux, windows
Set all mouse input device to use natural scrolling
Steimntz Machado de Figueiredo
bash, xorg, xinput, linux
Limit docker image size
docker, python, devops, linux
Linux : Remote desktop multiple monitor support
xfreerdp, remotedesktop, multiplemonitors, linux
Create a symlink for all hidden files excluding the hidden directories
Clarice Billowes
linux, terminal
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