Python Development Tips
Get smart with these essential protips for python developers.
Django - virtualenvwrapper setup and install
Mads Ulrik Svendsen
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python, web, django, framework
AES-256 and HMAC
Paul Eipper
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python, cryptography
PyPi packages as dependency requirements in
Scott Bradley
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dependencies, python, pypi,
Easy static/shared libraries with distutils
Dimitri Tcaciuc
0 responses
python, compile, distutils, library
Migrate an existing database from MySQL to PostgreSQL
Caio Ariede
1 response
python, mysql, postgresql
Pretty print JSON in your terminal
Christian Lizell
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python, terminal, command line, json
Using Jupyter Notebook to learn programming interactively
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python, javascript, svg, rxpy
The fuck you of the Ruby/Python worlds
Félix Saparelli
8 responses
ruby, python, zed, fuck-you
IOError: decoder jpeg not available with Pillow
Marc Wilson
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python, pillow
Worry-free auto updates for your frozen python application
Sebastian Hoitz
1 response
python, auto-update, esky
Python on Love
Manuel Ebert
1 response
python, meta, love
Use nosy to automatically run your python tests on code change
Chris McKinnel
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python, productivity, unit-testing
Update your python packages like a Pro
Areski Belaid
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python, pip
Thank you Ruby 2. You're better than Python.
4 responses
ruby, python
Fix for brew installing powerline on Mac OS X 10.9
Michaux Kelley
1 response
python, osx, homebrew, pip
Javascript range / list comprehensions
Alvaro Garcia
0 responses
javascript, python, functional, range
Adding a pre-commit hook to Mercurial
Franco Mariluis
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python, mercurial
Coping with unknown delimited text data in Python
Jason Scheirer
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python, text - Collecting All Cheat Sheets
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jquery, ruby, php, python
Python tuple unpacking tricks Erlang
Erik Allik
0 responses
python, erlang, syntax, tuple
Python-like decorators with CoffeeScript
Cédric Néhémie
0 responses
python, decorators, coffeescript