Web applications, entrepreneurship, natural language processing, machine learning, data science. All things computational in media, journalism, science, linguistics. Developer for the Knight Lab and the Intelligent Information Laboratory at Northwestern University. Previous work with Narrative Science, the Linguistic Cognition Laboratory at Illinois Institute of Technology, the Field Museum in Chicago, and the Systems and Requirements Engineering lab at DePaul University.
Joined April 2012
Some notes on getting Salt Cloud configurations right for Droplet provisioning on DigitalOcean
Scott Bradley
0 responses
salt, provisioning, digitalocean, salt cloud
Making the Click command decorator behave well for Sphinx auto-docs
Scott Bradley
1 response
python, sphinx, cli, click
Dynamic template selection in Pyramid
Scott Bradley
0 responses
python, pyramid, dynamic templates, renderers
Implementing a help command in Python Click
Scott Bradley
1 response
python, cli, click, help
A TwitterSearcher class for aggressive Twitter REST search using birdy
Scott Bradley
0 responses
python, search, twitter api, birdy
Arbitrary 401 Errors with the Twitter API
Scott Bradley
0 responses
twitter api, 401, server time, streaming api
A couple of notes about embedding Tweets
Scott Bradley
0 responses
twitter, oembed, embedded tweets, blockquote
Removing leading zeroes in Python's strftime
Scott Bradley
2 responses
python, mod, string formatting, datetime
Make your shebangs portable #!
Scott Bradley
0 responses
shell scripting, virtualenv, shebang, !
Python string templating vs. concatenation gotcha
Scott Bradley
2 responses
python, strings, none
Scott Bradley
0 responses
django, collectstatic, static_root, manage.py
PyPi packages as dependency requirements in setup.py
Scott Bradley
0 responses
dependencies, python, pypi, setup.py
Managing letter case in vim
Scott Bradley
2 responses
vim, vi, letter case
How I am using Fech (the FEC filing data fetcher & parser Ruby library) in a Python project
Scott Bradley
0 responses
ruby, python, subprocess, fech
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