CTO & Co-Founder @LeadSift. Tech lover who enjoys coding and building things.
Joined February 2013
Creating your own django lookup function
Hatem Nassrat
0 responses
django, python, sql, query
Oneliner to generate a Django Secret Key
Hatem Nassrat
0 responses
django, secret
Debian - Truly Unattended Upgrades
Hatem Nassrat
0 responses
system administration, sysadmin, debian, system upgrade
Avoid Hyphens in Puppet Class Names
Hatem Nassrat
0 responses
puppet, puppet qualified variable access
Enable HG Extensions for one command
Hatem Nassrat
0 responses
hg, mercurial
Should you use underscore prefixes in python (private) variables?
Hatem Nassrat
0 responses
python, obscurity
Checking your /etc/fstab pre reboot
Hatem Nassrat
0 responses
linux, fstab, reboot
Django OR querysets
Hatem Nassrat
0 responses
python, django
Create a quick SMTP debug server
Hatem Nassrat
0 responses
python, smtp
Multiple ENV vars with UWSGI
Hatem Nassrat
2 responses
uwsgi, uwsgi config
Installing HL 3040CN Brother printer in Debian 64-bit
Hatem Nassrat
0 responses
debian, linux, brother, 64bit
Running iPython cleanly inside a virtualenv
Hatem Nassrat
3 responses
python, virtualenv, ipython
Parse JSON into ordered data-structure (in python)
Hatem Nassrat
0 responses
python, json, preserve order
Setting chrome as the default in LMDE (cinnamon)
Hatem Nassrat
1 response
linux, debian, linux mint, cinnamon
Installing ReviewBoard on Debian
Hatem Nassrat
2 responses
python, linux, debian, reviewboard
at command
Hatem Nassrat
0 responses
linux, scheduling, at command
GNU Make Tips & Tricks
Hatem Nassrat
1 response
python, linux, make, tricks
Proxmox Change Node IP
Hatem Nassrat
0 responses
cloud, virtualization, ip address, proxmox
Set phantomjs user-agent string
Hatem Nassrat
4 responses
python, selenium, phantomjs, useragent
Pretty Print a CSV file
Hatem Nassrat
2 responses
linux, pretty print, csv
Show what PID is listening on a port (Linux)
Hatem Nassrat
2 responses
linux, server, port, fuser
1,089 Karma
175,048 Total ProTip Views

Have at least one original repo where Clojure is the dominant language

Have at least one original jQuery or Prototype open source repo

Have at least one original repo where Perl is the dominant language

The walrus is no stranger to variety. Use at least 4 different languages throughout all your repos

Have at least one original repo where C++ is the dominant language

Have a project valued enough to be forked by someone else

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need

Python 3
Have at least three original repos where Python is the dominant language

Would you expect anything less? Have at least one original repo where Python is the dominant language

Honey Badger
Have at least one original Node.js-specific repo