Python Development Tips
Get smart with these essential protips for python developers.
Creating your own django lookup function
Hatem Nassrat
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django, python, sql, query
alphanumeric random code generator len(8)
Alejandro Romero
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python, django, algorithm
Python simple HTTP web server with logging output
Nicholas Drone
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command line, python, http
Simon Whitaker
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python, pip
raising UnicodeEncodeError and UnicodeDecodeError manually (for testing purposes)
Gabriel Falcão
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python, tdd, tests, manually
Making sure nose finds your Python tests
José Ricardo
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python, nose, testing
Supervisord + Gunicorn
Kamil Gałuszka
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python, django, supervisord, supervisor
Standard python libraries not importing error in Virtualenv
Pablo Bernardo
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python, virtualenv
Django order_by custom order in Postgres
Nam Ngo
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python, django, postgres, sort
Python is vs ==
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Setting up openCV with Python virtualenvs
Thomas Kober
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python, virtualenv, opencv
Easy string similarity comparison in python list
Oscar Peña
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python, itertools, difflib, string similarity
Distance calculation in GeoDjango
Jair Trejo
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python, django, geodjango
Automatically enable django's bash completion on virtualenv activate (using virtualenvwrapper)
Lemuel Formacil
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python, django, virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper
Efficient sifting iterator for Python
Vincent Driessen
2 responses
python, itertools, sift
Python style @property methods in JavaScript
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python, method, javascript, decorator
Testing almost any code in browser
Joel Kirchartz
4 responses
jquery, ruby, python, clojure
Get correct remote_addr on Heroku with Flask
Corey Downing
2 responses
python, heroku, flask, remote_addr
Prefix script for Twitter Bootstrap
Marc Cantwell
1 response
css, bootstrap, python
Spinning Up EC2 on AWS with Boto, Fabric, and Cloud Formation
Dixon Whitmire
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python, mongodb, ec2, aws
In-depth Introduction to the Zen of Python
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zen, python
Easy enums in Python
Ruiwen Chua
0 responses
python, enum, enumeration
Prime Numbers with Python v2
Nathan Lucas
3 responses
python, math, algorithm, benchmark
Pythonic PHP ?
Craig Slusher
8 responses
php, python