CEO of NotYetFounded
Joined February 2013
Setting up openCV with Python virtualenvs
Thomas Kober
0 responses
python, virtualenv, opencv
Batch uninstall all zope packages with pip
Thomas Kober
0 responses
bash, pip, zope
brew update & brew upgrade outdated in one step
Thomas Kober
0 responses
bash, homebrew, brew
In Java, Integer.MIN_VALUE == -Integer.MIN_VALUE
Thomas Kober
0 responses
java, integer overflow
In case you can't reach PyPi...
Thomas Kober
0 responses
python, pip, pypi, python package index
The Pasteboard & the Command line (Mac OS X)
Thomas Kober
0 responses
shell, terminal, osx, macosx
Easily batch-install packages with pip
Thomas Kober
1 response
django, pip, pyhton