Popular Cocoa Programming Tips
How to save a NSArray/NSMutableArray in Core Data
Juan Fernández Sagasti
8 responses
cocoa, ios, core data, cocoa touch
Accessing Cocoa (Objective-C) from Go with cgo
Kiyoshi Murata
1 response
cocoa, objective-c, go, cgo
Careful with NSURLSession
Claudio Poli
1 response
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Quick Guide to Objective-C DateFormatting
Samuel Chow
2 responses
cocoa, text, date, objective-c
How to save a pdf file with its annotations in Objective-C
Juan Fernández Sagasti
3 responses
cocoa, ios, pdf, cocoa touch
Debugging Xcode Plugins
Delisa Mason
3 responses
shell, cocoa, xcode, osx
How to wait for GCD queues to suspend before performing a task
Benjamin Schuster-Boeckler
0 responses
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Beware of [NSString hash]
Dennis Wilson
0 responses
cocoa, macosx, objc, nsstring
Quick Formatting of Credit Card Numbers
Paris Xavier Pinkney
0 responses
objective-c, cocoa, ios, xcode
UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes Subclass
Brian Michel
0 responses
cocoa, ios, objective-c, uicollectionview
Observing NSView Bounds
Rizo Isrof
0 responses
cocoa, os x, notifications
Scale UIImage using one method
0 responses
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Great Objective-C SQLite Wrapper
Cole Hecht
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Get Youtube's popular videos using the Google API
Bram Plessers
0 responses
google, cocoa, ios, iphone
Detailed Objective-C Cheat Sheet
Rob Phillips
4 responses
cocoa, ios, open source, apple
OS X: Systemwide VIM Bindings
Luis Nell
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Split a CamelCase string into separate words
Draco Li
0 responses
cocoa, nsstring, objective-c
Vim Commands within Xcode - Plugin
Eric Raio
0 responses
cocoa, xcode, cocoa touch, objective-c
Best site for UI Components on iOS
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Improve the performance of UIView animations when using shadows on your UIViews
Alistair Holt
1 response
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Storyboard/UIPageViewController resets subviews' positions
Robert Wünsch
2 responses
cocoa, ios, storyboard, objective-c
Enable Core Data Auto Migration in Sandbox
P. Taylor Goetz
1 response
cocoa, coredata, sandbox, objective-c
Use Github the Right Way with Code Journal
Michael Dominick
5 responses
cocoa, open-source, mac, git
Full text search on iOS
Dominik Krejcik
0 responses
cocoa, ios, fulltext
.gitignore Template for Xcode
0 responses
cocoa, xcode, git, objective-c
Recent Activity
Accessing Cocoa (Objective-C) from Go with cgo
Kiyoshi Murata
cocoa, objective-c, go, cgo
Storyboard/UIPageViewController resets subviews' positions
Robert Wünsch
cocoa, ios, storyboard, objective-c
Update UILabel in SubViewController from MainViewController
Robert Wünsch
cocoa, ios, objective-c
Careful with NSURLSession
Claudio Poli
cocoa, nsurlsession, ios
Detailed Objective-C Cheat Sheet
Rob Phillips
cocoa, ios, open source, apple
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