Use Github the Right Way with Code Journal
Pick up Code Journal on the Mac App Store to get the most out of Github and keep in touch with your collaborators.
Written by Michael Dominick
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5 Responses

I wish you luck with your app, but really, this isn't a tip - it's advertising.

@krisajenkins Hmm we'll have to agree to disagree. I use it everyday and it can actually be helpful.

@dominickm you or the company you work for built this app, so regardless of how much you use it and like it, it is still an advert. Period.

@chrisjdavis I agree (though you certainly state your point stronger than required) but the post is very old and it doesn't appear possible to delete. If it is true that tips can't be deleted that is a serious usability issue for this site...

Here is a tip, use linux!