Popular I Os Programming Tips
Customize navigation bar appearance with swift
eranga bandara
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IOS customized activity indicator with Swift
eranga bandara
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iOS Custom URL Scheme
Christopher Hannah
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resign .ipa with new distribution certificate
Jeffrey Jackson
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swift 4 current year, month, day
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What is the best OS for web development? (Community Protip)
Nicholas Jordon
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Use xcodebuild to build workspace vs project
Herman Lintvelt
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Customize the Back Button of UINavigationItem in the Navigation Bar
Daniel Brajkovic
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How to save a NSArray/NSMutableArray in Core Data
Juan Fernández Sagasti
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Read a file in Swift
1 response
Instantiate a view controller using a storyboard identifier in Xcode (iOS)
Anthony Levings
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Getting everything for building iOS apps with build.phonegap.com
Martin Naumann
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Symbolicating an iOS crash log without the original dSYM file
Will Helling
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ios customise tabbar with UITabBarController and storyboad scene.
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Media Queries only for the iPhone 5! (Part I)
Rafal Bromirski
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iOS development freelancing advice
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Converting JSON into an Objective-C object (Xcode for iOS)
Anthony Levings
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resign .ipa with new CFBundleIdentifier and certificate
Jeffrey Jackson
7 responses
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New HTML Tricks for Web Developers in Apple’s iOS
Mehmet BAT
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Creating an iTunes ipa file for ad hoc distribution in 30 steps (Xcode for iOS)
Anthony Levings
1 response
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Private Cocoapods
Jeffrey Jackson
5 responses
xcode, mac, ipad, iphone
Downgrade from Safari 6 to Safari 5.1.7 (Lion)
Derryl Carter
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PEBKAC: jQuery scrollTop not working on mobile
Christian Bundy
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How to re-sign iOS builds
Toby Cox
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