Python Development Tips
Get smart with these essential protips for python developers.
Slow admin pages in Django?
Andy Mroczkowski
1 response
python, performance, django
automate SSH configs with python
Emre Yılmaz
3 responses
python, ssh
Better documentation for PHP, Python, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CSS, and DOM
Mariz Melo
18 responses
php, python, css, html
Settings absolute paths in a Django project
Matteo Rosati
0 responses
python, django
Math and Int/Float in Python
Nathan Lucas
1 response
python, math, float, int
Datetimes and Timezones and DST, oh my!
katy lavallee
0 responses
python, dateutil, pytz
Iteration counter in for loops in python
Max Golubev
0 responses
python, loop, counter
Pretty Print JSON in the Terminal
James Barnett
3 responses
python, terminal, one-liner
Chunking large text files with multiple Python processes (and Redis)
Matt Keranen
0 responses
python, redis, hybriddba
Easily Serve a Directory via FTP
Arif Widi Nugroho
0 responses
python, twisted, ftp
Create a starter template for working with django-rest-framework
Connor Leech
0 responses
python, django, web-development, django-rest-framework
Django Allauth quick setup
Mayur Rokade
0 responses
python, web, django, auth
Javascript MVC and python SimpleHTTPServer
Antonio Lettieri
1 response
python, backbone, routing, ember
pyScss: A native-Python compiler for SASS's SCSS syntax
Stephan Sokolow
3 responses
python, css, django, sass
Python: Threads for monitoring Multiprocessing
Michael Bacci
0 responses
python, multiprocessing, threading
IPython newlines with ^V^J
Kenneth Falck
1 response
python, ipython, newlines
Python package namespaces
Demian Brecht
0 responses
python, setuptools, namespace
Image Cropping using PyGame
0 responses
Set initial data for large forms in django
Gerald Goh
1 response
python, django, forms, views
Simple file upload progressbar in PyQt
Sreejith Kesavan
0 responses
python, qt, pyqt, progressbar
pretty format json file in vim
1 response
python, vim, json
Function factories for random data with py.test
Josh Kuhn
0 responses
python, unit testing, dependency injection, py.test
Enable Tab Completion in Python Shell (OSX)
Arif Widi Nugroho
0 responses
python, osx
Django deployment with Fabric + virtualenvwrapper
Eric Marcos Pitarch
0 responses
python, django, virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper