Python Development Tips
Get smart with these essential protips for python developers.
List Comprehension in PHP
Rafael Silva
0 responses
php, python, list comprehension
Mask email for public viewing as user identifier.
Saurabh Kumar
0 responses
python, security, privacy, email
Don't be a jerk, organize your code.
Nicholas Jordon
9 responses
jquery, ruby, php, python
Easiest way to start a basic local webserver.
8 responses
python, osx, mac, unix
Setup Python Virtualenv on OS X Mountain Lion
0 responses
python, virtualenv, os x mountain lion
Testing a PDF download with splinter and requests
Lorin Hochstein
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python, django, pdf, requests
Fabulous Fabric Fabfile
Gavin Bunney
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python, devops, fabric, artifactory
A Python crash course in scraping websites and indexing in Elasticsearch
Simon Pantzare
0 responses
python, scraping, elasticsearch
KMeans Clustering and Color Quantization with OpenCV-Python
Abid Rahman K
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python, image, opencv, processing
Calculate Pi using python
0 responses
python, mathematics
Use YouCompleteMe for code completion in Vim
Chris McKinnel
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python, vim, productivity
How to add full text search in Django?
Nikhil Navadiya
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python, django, search, django-haystack
Avoid duplicated logging in python/flask
Gabriel Falcão
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python, logging, django, flask
Gevent with debug support for Flask
Hsiaoming Yang
0 responses
python, web, flask, gevent
HTTPie, an easy to use cURL replacement
Jakub Roztocil
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python, cli, http, curl
MySQLHandler for python logging
0 responses
python, mysql, logging, threading
Django URL redirect shortcut
Tim Heap
0 responses
python, django, shortcuts, web development
Recursive reverse string in Python
Simão Freitas
1 response
python, recursion
Recursively finding dependencies in Python
4 responses
python, generators
On ansible and python 2/3 package juggling
Evan Kaufman
0 responses
ansible, python
How to stay on one page
David Wong
2 responses
php, python, django, codeigniter
Fabric and Celery can be friends!
Alex Hart
3 responses
python, django, ssh, fabric
Custom settings when testing Django app
Vladimir Prudnikov
0 responses
python, django, unittest, testing
Making Python zip or tar files executable
Hikmat Dhamee
5 responses
python, jar, zip, executable