Newest Productivity Programming Tips
Simplify zsh's directory history
0 responses
shell, zsh, productivity
[Sublime] Type echo, press tab, get console.log
4 responses
sublime, productivity, snippet, shortcut
Speeding up the annoying task of retrieving up-to-date code with Sublime
Francesco Zaia
0 responses
sublime text, sublime, productivity
Auto-indenting on Sublime Text 3
Osvaldo Zonetti
15 responses
sublime, productivity, shortcut
Cleanup outdated gems from all your rvm gemsets
Nick Kugaevsky
1 response
ruby, gem, rvm, productivity
Did you know about git bisect?
Waldyr Guimarães Araújo de Souza
0 responses
productivity, git, bugtracker
Create a Github repository right from the command-line
0 responses
github, git, productivity
Customize Powershell Prompt Message to Show Current Git branch name
0 responses
powershell, productivity, git
Hotkeys to create additional cursors in Sublime Text
Chris Schmitz
1 response
sublime, productivity, key-bindings
My pinky is tired - VIM
Amos King
0 responses
vim, productivity, shortcuts
Rails log mixin
Jed Schneider
0 responses
tdd, rails, cucumber, productivity
Turn off Chrome's swipe navigation (On Mac OSX)
Miguel Arroyo
0 responses
chrome, productivity, mac osx, swipe navigation
Mac: Open File/Folder in Terminal from Finder
Clayton McIlrath
0 responses
shell, terminal, mac, productivity
Dead-simple alternative to Google Hangouts/Skype/lync/webex for meetings
Henrik Joreteg
2 responses
productivity, teams, meetings, video calls
Emmet Tricks for Sublime Text
Michael Musgrove
0 responses
sublime text, sublime-text, productivity, workflow
Be more productive
Oliver Petznick
2 responses
shell, zsh, facebook, productivity
Using xclock to get notified when a task finishes
Thameera Senanayaka
1 response
shell, terminal, linux, productivity
Using hub with GitHub Enterprise
Sonny Scroggin
0 responses
productivity, git, enterprise, hub
Starting Total Commander from Cygwin/Git Bash
Marcus Ilgner
0 responses
productivity, git bash, total commander
Create Python Virtual Environment Without Installing Virtualenv Into Your Global System
Fauzan Emmerling
0 responses
python, productivity, virtual, environment
Deploy your project with git to a bare repo
Jupiter St John
5 responses
productivity, git
Activate Clipboard History in Alfred Powerpack
Richard Johansson
0 responses
productivity, alfred, clipboard history
Replace all occurences of 'Shard' with 'Card' in the git repo
Jussi Kalliokoski
4 responses
sed, sh, replace, productivity
Increase productivity with node-dev
Jonas Hartmann
0 responses
node, productivity, nodejs
Skip directory for ack search
Jearvon Dharrie
0 responses
shell, productivity, ack